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Group company organizes the staff to watch the film Changjin Lake
Release time:2021-12-4 10:43:46      Click:665

To celebrate the seventy-second anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, mark the seventy-first anniversary of the Korean abroad fight of the Chinese people's volunteers, further promote the study history of the party general secretary of education, in-depth study and implement Jinping important speech spirit, the group part of cadres, party members on behalf of the company organization, and excellent staff watched the great historical film Changjin Lake together in the evening on October 9th. In the film, the ninth Corps of volunteers went to north Korea to fight without turning back, with their flesh and blood to protect the country. The film truly and objectively reproduced the history of the volunteers repelling the United States military with the iron will in the extremely cold harsh environment. During the watching process, all the staff were immersed in the tense and solemn atmosphere of the war, shocked by the plot of the film, and touched by the soldiers' unbreakable faith and feelings of going through fire and water for the destiny of the country.


After watching the movie, everyone said that the history should not be forgotten, the martyrs should not forget. We should learn the great spirit in Changjin Lake battle and the spirit of resisting the United States and aiding Korea as well as the spirit of overcoming difficulties, not afraid of sacrifice and dedication. With firm confidence and full energy, we will do our best to do all kinds of work and devote ourselves to the development of the group with more high morale.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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