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Build the world with circle and square; attract the children with black and white
Release time:2019-03-06      Click:1119

On June 1st, the “Oriental County Cup Children's Go Competition” jointly organized by Dongfang Mingjun, Zhangzhou Donghu Street Office and Zhangzhou Weiqi Association was held in the Oriental County Marketing Center! The hosting of the competition attracted many social groups and schools, and more than 150 young players enthusiastically signed up for the competition. After three hours of fierce competition, the top eight teams and the top eight individual were awarded with the the trophy and honorary certificate from the organizers.

As one of the national quintessences of "chess and calligraphy paintings", Go plays a black and white two-color circular chess piece on a square grid board composed of 19 line segments, which is infinitely variable. The "Oriental County Cup-Children's Go Competition" held this time not only developed the intelligence of the children, enhanced the friendship between them, but also added endless fun to the children's festivals, winning the welcome of the children and parents. 

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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