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Group chairman liu guomin to zhaoba housing resettlement site for the construction of the meeting
Release time:2017-11-28      Click:974

On September 21, liu guomin, chairman of the group, visited the site of zhaoba resettlement house project to hold a project construction dispatch meeting. Wang yuanxin, deputy general manager of the group and general commander of zhao ba resettlement room, project chief engineer, jia shangwen, director of the group engineering department and project manager attended the dispatch meeting.

At the meeting, wang yuanxin, deputy general manager of the group and general commander of zhao ba resettlement house, made a detailed report on the progress of the project construction and the existing problems and difficulties in the construction, and made a statement on how to promote the next step of the work.

Chairman of the board pointed out after the report, zhaoba resettlement housing construction is related to the people's vital interests of the people's livelihood projects, the municipal party committee, the municipal government is highly concerned about this. Resettlement housing project headquarters to hold the spirit of the time not to wait for me, in strict accordance with the municipal party committee, the municipal government proposed the time node to promote the construction of the project. Chairman of the board of directors, first, to actively coordinate the settlement of housing construction problems and difficulties. To this, each branch personnel is duty-bound, must take seriously highly from the thought understanding, accomplish do not complain, do not shift responsibility, continue to bite the bullet to overcome difficulties. Second, self-pressure, vigorously promote the progress of the project. To carry forward the spirit of "white and black", grasp the progress of the project, reverse the construction period, scientific construction, to ensure that personnel, materials, machinery in place, to show the image of progress. Third, strictly perform the construction contract to ensure the quality and safety of the project. To strictly control the quality of the project, the project into quality projects, model projects, conscience projects.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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