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The group thanks the executive command center of xuzhou intermediate people's court
Release time:2017-11-28      Click:975

In August this year, the group xuzhou kaiyi technology company filed an appeal against sutong construction engineering company's compensation to our company. After winning the case, the other party has been slow to fulfill the judgment. Therefore, xuzhou kaiyi technology co., ltd. applied for the execution command center of xuzhou intermediate people's court for compulsory execution, which was strongly supported by them. With the rapid execution of the judge in the executive command center of xuzhou intermediate people's court, the case was settled satisfactorily. In the morning of October 9th, liu qiang, secretary of the general party branch of the group, and tang xianguo, minister of the ministry of law, on behalf of xuzhou kaiyi technology co., LTD., sent a golden banner of "law enforcement for the people at a high speed" to the executive command center of xuzhou intermediate people's court.

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