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Current pizhou development direction
Release time:2017-11-23      Click:956

The current development direction of pizhou?

If new town is big trend in the development of pizhou government combined with the city to the east, the government on the set of administrative office, business hotel, residential area as a whole if new syntheses, adjacent to sequoia park, sand ditch lake scenic area, the nine fung yuen, six river sight, surrounding by a great number of famous buildings surrounded by east MingJun is in the direction of city development. If new town is big trend in the development of pizhou government combined with the city to the east, the government on the set of administrative office, business hotel, residential area as a whole if new syntheses, adjacent to sequoia park, sand ditch lake scenic area, the nine fung yuen, six river sight, surrounding by a great number of famous buildings surrounded by east MingJun is in the direction of city development.

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