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The group held a selection meeting for some middle-level cadres to compete for posts
Release time:2017-01-13      Click:997

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On November 17th, the group successfully held a selection meeting for some middle-level cadres in the meeting room on the third floor of the gold coast hotel. Group chairman liu guomin, general manager jianhui, deputy general manager wang jibai, wang yuanxin, liu lei, general secretary of the party branch liu qiang, human resources minister ge xinjun and other leaders as judges, 30 relevant department heads participated in the evaluation. A total of 68 employees from all units of the group attended the meeting and witnessed the whole process.

After screening, a total of 16 candidates from inside and outside the group participated in the competition for 5 middle-level posts. The competition will be conducted in the form of a combination of the competition speech and on-site questions. In this way, each candidate will give a speech on the stage one by one, and then answer the questions on the spot according to the questions from the judges.

At the competition meeting, the contestants made wonderful speeches on the conditions of self-competition, future work goals and ideas, and gave professional and intelligent answers to the questions raised by the judges and evaluators. The competition was very fierce.

This competition is a beneficial attempt to innovate the working method and introduce the competition mechanism into the cadre and personnel system. Through the competition for posts, the reasonable deployment and rational use of personnel, to truly make the best use of people, further mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the majority of cadres and staff, and stimulate the sense of competition and enterprising spirit of all cadres and staff.

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