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The underground pipeline network of Oriental Emperor City has been comprehensively cleaned up
Release time:2023-05-17      Click:239

With the development of society and the changes of the times, the pipeline network in residential areas is becoming more and more perfect. The various crisscrossing pipelines hidden underground, such as power supply, water supply, drainage, gas supply, and communication, have added significant difficulties to the daily cleaning and maintenance of the pipe trenches in the community.

  Many homeowners have recently reported to the property that they feel a foul odor when passing through the manhole cover of the sewage pipe, which is very unpleasant. After learning about this situation, Mr. Dai immediately led relevant staff to conduct an on-site investigation. During the survey, it was found that the underground pipeline network was actively silted due to years of lack of dredging. In order to prevent environmental pollution and impact on the daily lives of homeowners caused by sewage pipeline blockage and overflow, Jiayuan Property urgently formulated a dredging plan and reported it to the group company. After being reviewed and approved by the group company, Jiayuan Property has established a dredging team consisting of 10 people to be responsible for the full tracking service and comprehensive cleaning of the underground sewage pipeline network in the Oriental Emperor City community. Four cleaning vehicles equipped with various dredging tools and equipment entered the Oriental Emperor City community on time as scheduled in mid March. The dredging team used a crowbar to open the manhole covers one by one and tried to suppress the pungent odor for comprehensive dredging. Each sewage well is so clogged with dirt that the staff must first use a steel shovel to dig a hole, then use high-pressure water pipes to clean and dredge, tie tires with ropes to drag back and forth in the pipeline, and finally use a suction truck to clean it again.

  The dredging of the pipeline network not only requires a large workload, but also involves a wide area. Although the dredging team goes out early and returns late every day, there is no one to shout and complain about. According to statistical data, a total of 4272 meters of sewage pipes have been cleaned, 1176 sewage wells have been cleaned, and 15 damaged sewage well covers have been replaced. Our staff also appealed to the owners not to pour kitchen waste that is easy to cause blockage into the sewer, and actively classify the garbage to create a clean living environment. At the same time, the staff of Jiayuan will also work together to do practical things for the owners of the community. Let's work together to create a harmonious and livable happy home.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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