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To Find the Deficiencies in Accordance With the Standards, and To Make improvement on the Weakest Points
Release time:2021-01-26      Click:798

In order to improve the level of safety in the catering industry of the whole city as well as to set a good example to the whole catering industry, the Market Supervision Bureau of Pizhou City held a meeting on November 10th to offer the on-site training for the establishment of model restaurants. The superintendents, who came from Golden Shore and more than 20 large-sized or medium-sized catering enterprises, have participated in the training.

During the meeting, the participants exchanged their ideas about how to do a good job in the management of the catering work. In accordance with the standards, they found the deficiencies in their operation and managements, and tried to make improvement on the weakest points. This training has helped to improve the service quality, the work standards, the safety of consumption environment, and the consumer’s degree of satisfaction in the Golden Shore Hotel.

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