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The No. 36 building, No. 37 building and No. 38 building in Section A, which belongs to the third phase of Dong Fang Ming Jun Construction Project, have passed fire prevention test.
Release time:2021-01-26      Click:908

On December 14th, The Housing and Construction Bureau of Pizhou City, The Supervisory Office for Safety and Quality of Construction Project of Pizhou City, The Fire-fighting Department of The Housing and Construction Bureau of Pizhou City, and the fire-fighting experts from Xuzhou City have jointly conducted a fire prevention test on the above-mentioned No. 36 building, No. 37 building and No. 38 building in Section A. Having conducted an on-site test on the coordination among the fire prevention equipment, used the extinguishers on the wall of the buildings, and examined the fire prevention facilities, they rated the three buildings as having met the standards for comprehensive fire prevention.

To ensure that all the buildings can pass the fire prevention test at the first-time inspection, the staff of Dong Fang Ming Jun Construction Project has insisted that all the work should be enhanced at the initial stage. On the one hand, the staff tightened the control over the quality of fire prevention materials; On the other hand, the staff adhered strictly to the blueprint in the design of buildings and clung strictly to the standards in the construction of buildings. They kept track of the basic documents, making sure that the documents were synchronous with the on-site construction. Before the officials conducted the fire prevention test on the buildings, the staff had formulated the step-by-step procedures for the fire prevention test, collected the questions that were posed by the Systematic Testing Department of National Fire Prevention Testing Center, supervised the rectification of the unqualified items, and laid a solid foundation for this project, which had passed the fire prevention test at the first-time inspection. The fact that this project had successfully passed the fire prevention test at the first-time inspection could be described as the most inspiring approval, which was given by the officials to the department of projects.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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