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Summer Wheats Were Sent to the Granaries and Autumn Soybean Sowing Was Finished
Release time:2022-07-28      Click:392

"Farmers are seldom free during the whole year, and especially busy in May." More than 220 mu of wheat sown by Midland and Mayo have all been harvested, transported and sold by June 8. 200 mu of soybeans have also been sown.

Since the wheat was sown last autumn, it has grown well through the hard work of the garden staff's sowing, weeding and fertilising. Near harvest time, due to the dry weather, the staff are on duty day and night to eliminate all kinds of hidden dangers to prevent fires and ensure a good wheat yield and harvest this year.

Over 220 mu of wheat was harvested on June 8, and after a day and a half of busy work, the harvest ended on the evening of June 9. A total of nearly 130,000 kilograms of dry wheat was harvested, with an average yield of 550 kilograms per mu. As a result of this year's bumper wheat harvest and higher prices than in previous years, wheat sales were nearly 350,000 yuan, higher than expected.

At the same time as the wheat grains were sent to the granaries, the sowing of soybeans in autumn was also in full swing. This year's soybeans were sown in about 200 acres, and due to the severe drought conditions, the seeds were sown in time after the rains to lay a good foundation for future soybean seedlings and a good harvest after the autumn. At the time of this text going to press, all the soybeans have been sown and the seedlings have emerged neatly and are growing well.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

Design and production:Winsharing
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