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The analysis of the characteristics of the apartment to create a perfect residence
Release time:2019-03-06      Click:1033

In the case that product homogenization is becoming more and more obvious; the unique advantages embodied in the details of the apartment design often become the selling point of various real estate enterprises. As an important module in product development, what is the future development direction? In the end, we should continue to standardize the type of housing, reduce management difficulty, improve efficiency, and achieve scale development or do individualized and innovative units to improve project identification and premium space? With these questions, the relevant personnel of the Oriental Mingjun Project, under the leadership of Liu Lei, the deputy general manager of the group, conducted research and study on the characteristics of several large housing enterprises, from the design of the apartment, the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the apartment, and the future development trend of Household market demand.

After studying and studying, we believe that the arrival of the national policy regulation and information age, the energy saving and environmental protection of the apartment, e-commerce, remote transmission, home intelligence, and security systems are receiving more and more attention. In the future, the orientation of the apartment should pursue the elaboration of flexible design space and functions, and give the initiative to the customer, let the customer define their own life, define the space, realize the independent definition of the customer's type, and create a perfect house.

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