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The group rewards the children of employees who are admitted to key universities
Release time:2018-10-23      Click:1119

龙8 - long8 (国际)唯一官方网站_公司9799

On the morning of August 22nd, liu qiang, secretary of the general party branch of the group, and li pingping, minister of human resources, presented scholarships to the children of employees admitted to the university respectively on behalf of the group company in the meeting room on the 10th floor of dongfang international trade center. Li shang, son of li maotuan from the financial management department, was admitted to nanjing engineering college with a reward of 8,000 yuan. Chen xifang, the son of xu changzhi, an employee of the financial management department, was admitted to wuhan donghu university, Yang baoqi, the son of hou ling, a gold coast hotel, was admitted to sichuan culture and art college, and yi fei, the queen of gold coast hotel he ruoli, was admitted to suqian college and was awarded 6000 yuan.

Since 2014 when the group issued the "reward system for employees' children to be admitted to university", the group has cashed in the reward system for many employees' children to be admitted to university, with the accumulative bonus reaching tens of thousands of yuan. The rewards given by the group are not only material support, but also spiritual encouragement, which reflects the warmth of a big family.

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