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The Successful Holding of Award Ceremony of "Dongfang Group Million Fund Helping The Realization of Entering into Elite Schools"
Release time:2019-11-13      Click:1198

      In order to promote the development of the excellent students in the college entrance examination, Dongfang Group held a grand "Awarding Ceremony of Dongfang Group 2019 College Entrance Examination Education Fund" in the report hall of Dongfang primary school on August 3rd 2019, and awarded cash funds to the owners and their children of Dongfang City, Dongfang Mingjun and Dongfang Garden, which were admitted to 985 / 211 universities and other colleges in 2019 Meanwhileeach of the top students in Arts and Sciences in the college entrance examination of  Pizhou City in 2019 was awarded 10000 Yuan as a scholarship.

       For many years, the group company has been adhering to the mission of industry repaying society, helping regional development, and practicing social public welfare, especially giving strong support to education undertakings in Pizhu. At present, it has invested more than one million Yuan in the student aid fund.

This activity has attracted the attention of all sectors of Pizhou society, which not only shows the great love of Dongfang Group, but also inspires Pizhou students to keep forging ahead and strive for knowledge!

Next:Group Company Held the Work Summary Conference in the First Half of 2019
Last:The Group Company Grandly Held the Keynote Speech Competition of "Never Forget the Original Intention and Keep the Mission in Mind"


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