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East group carry forward jinggangshan spirit speech contest held in the gold coast hotel
Release time:2017-07-14      Click:1013

龙8 - long8 (国际)唯一官方网站_公司1088

On May 25, the east group "carry forward jinggangshan spirit" speech contest was held in the gold coast hotel lobby on the first floor. 14 contestants from various departments and branches of the group had a fierce competition.

On the scene of the competition, the contestants kept to the theme, combined with their actual work and job responsibilities, respectively praised the glorious course of the communist party of China from different perspectives, expressed their love and admiration for the party, and summarized the new changes in work, study and life after the training in jinggangshan. The contestants' plain and sincere language and rich and fresh content won the applause of the audience. In the competition, liu su from dongfang mingjun, with her skillful speech skills, expressed how an employee should carry forward the spirit of jinggangshan true feelings, and finally won the first place in the speech contest with an excellent score of 9.81 points.

Jianhui, general manager of the group, wang jibai, deputy general manager of the group, ge xinjun, minister of human resources, li ping, minister of financial management, jia shangwen, minister of engineering, changsha haibin, vice minister of the examination and supervision department, and Yang weidong, vice minister of after-sales maintenance department, scored the competition.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

Design and production:Winsharing
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