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Pizhou canal street party working committee inspection group general party branch "two learn one do" and "three will be a lesson"
Release time:2016-11-23      Click:1056

In order to carry out the "two learning and one doing" learning and education activities, to ensure that the "three meetings and one lesson" in the enterprise party organizations to be implemented, on the morning of September 13, pizhou canal street party working committee leadership of the group company party branch and its subordinate branches of the inspection and supervision.

Canal town party secretary liu working lead to group the work report of comrade, carefully looked at the party congress, the party branch committee, the party and party members of the panel study of original records, the party of the group company "two learn how to make a" and "three will be a lesson" to carry out the situation given the affirmation, but also the perfecting measures were put forward. To various party and group, the party branch, to continue to work on my 2016 plan and "two" learn how to make a study plan pays special attention to the party construction, further standardize "three will be a lesson" learning records, do a good job in party dues' specification of dynamic management and members seized work, innovation flow management of party members, do a good job in a branch organization life and the preparations for the Democratic Party deliberations and other activities.

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