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Liu Guomin, Chairman of the Group Company, Accompanied Wu Weidong, Secretary of CPC Municipal Committee,
Release time:2020-11-04      Click:866

On June 23, Liu Guomin, chairman of the group company, accompanied Wu Weidong, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and municipal leaders to investigate Mei Lian Bi Lin Agricultural Company on the spot.

Wu Weidong, secretary of the CPC Municipal Committee, proposed several requirements for us. we should adhere to innovation and hold on the evaluation of "per mu yield benefit" to further improve production capacity, thus to promote employment. We should give priority to ecology and pursue green development, further advance the ecological development, thus to achieve the organic unity of ecological beauty, industries’ prosperity and our people’s bright future.

He believed that agricultural industrialization is an important support for rural revitalization, which means it is wise for us to support leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization to further improve industrial chains, strengthen our weakness and strengthen advantages, and eventually ensure the prosperity of green, circular and efficient industries. In such case, we should give full play to the leading enterprises in rural revitalization, provide more training to cultivate high-quality industrial workers and new types of professional farmers. We should increase rural incomes, and bring about prosperity for the people, thus to effectively promote the development of agriculture with high quality.

He also put emphasis on the needs to exploit red resources in a deep way and suggested to take advantages of ecological advantages and resources for highlighting green development, in which case to truly put the concept of "clear water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains" into practice, improve infrastructure construction, and promote organic integrity of ecology and production.

As far as Wu is concerned, the porject, namely, Bigeng Fruit Health Garden creates a three-dimensional development model of agriculture, culture and tourism, which actively explores the path of integrating agriculture and rural development in the new era. Within multi-party cooperation, the Bigeng Fruit Health Town is expected to be a new name card of Pizhou.

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