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Chen Yingmei, the monitor of Orient Dijing City, was rated as the advanced individual of patrol and defense alliance by Pizhou Public Security Bureau
Release time:2022-04-26      Click:513

In the winter of 2021, in many communities in Pizhou,there happened the property stored in private cars being stolen, and the night shift personnel were more careful and serious. On January 21, Chen Yingmei was on the night shift. At more than 1 a.m., she found that two suspicious persons pulled the door one by one in the monitoring picture and immediately reported to the shift leader. The shift leader quickly contacted the headquarters of the public security patrol alliance. The night shift personnel and the patrol Brigade surrounded and caught two theft suspects and two other theft suspects hiding in the shelter, successfully stopping the occurrence of theft cases in Dijingcheng community!


On January 22, 2022, Pizhou Public Security Bureau praised Comrade Chen Yingmei, the monitor of Orient Dijingcheng, a unit of patrol and defense alliance, for his conscientious performance of his duties and contribution to Ping'an Pizhou. He was rated as an advanced individual of patrol and defense alliance in the first quarter of 2022 and rewarded!

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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