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Xuzhou City Fire Brigade Leaders Visited Dijing City Community to Check Fire Safety Work
Release time:2019-03-06      Click:1100

龙8 - long8 (国际)唯一官方网站_活动4456

On the morning of February 26, more than 10 people from the Xuzhou Fire Brigade, Fan Fei, accompanied by the Zhouzhou Fire Brigade, accompanied by the Zhouzhou Fire Brigade, went to the Jingjing City residential area for fire safety inspection.

The inspection team inspected the Dijing City micro-fire station, fire-fighting facilities, various systems and related account information, and asked about the fire safety situation of the community in recent years. After inspection, they fully affirmed the fire safety work of Dijing City residential community. At the same time, for the characteristics of more residential residents and more concentrated personnel, Fan Fei asked the property company to implement the construction of the micro-fire station and grid management. Strengthen inspections to prevent problems before they occur, strengthen publicity and education on safety precautions for property workers and residents, and earnestly do a good job in fire safety prevention.

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