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The Visit and Inspection Paid by Guangxi CPPCC delegation to Oriental County
Release time:2021-08-09      Click:700

The afternoon of April 28th, 2021 has witnessed shining sun of the spring in full bloom, as a delegation from Guangxi CPPCC paid a visit to the Oriental Building District, accompanied by Zhang Chuanxi, Vice Chairman of CPPCC, Wu Rongfei, Director of Property Service Center, Du Bin, Deputy Director of Property Service Center and Gao Hongguo, Chief of Property Management Section.

Cheng Fangdong, the president of Pizhou property management industry association and general manager of Jiayuan property, made a brief introduction to the visiting delegation of the development history of Oriental Group for more than 20 years and underscored the concept of Jiayuan property management and the site management of the housing in Oriental County. During the visit, the delegation has exchanged their views and understandings on the provided customer service, decoration management, vehicle management, equipment management, site management, greening maintenance, file management and other property regularization performance.

Following the visit paid to Oriental County, the delegation of Guangxi CPPCC gave full affirmation and praised to Dongfang Famous County for the separation of pedestrian and vehicle flow, garden landscape, facilities and equipment and housing appearance control, as well as the standardized community management. Zhang Chuanxi, vice chairman of CPPCC, stood to give high recognition to Oriental County property management.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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