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High Temperatures and Drought Hit Greenery and Drought Relief Is a Matter of Urgency
Release time:2022-07-28      Click:400

Due to the persistent drought in the first half of the year and the recent rise in temperature, the drought work in Oriental County is facing a severe test.

In order to avoid damage to the community greenery due to the drought and high temperature, and to ensure that the green landscape seedlings are safe during this summer, the unified deployment of Jiayuan Property and the participation of all staff in the Oriental County project have ensured that the service enthusiasm is not diminished when the temperature is high and the quality of work is not reduced when the sun is hot. Every member of the staff of Oriental County was at their posts, working together to do a good job of drought prevention and seedling maintenance. In this summer, their actions made a touching picture of themselves. Their perseverance and dedication ensured that the seedlings grew vigorously and were well received by the owners and authorities.

In the future, Jiayuan Property will continue to do a good job in maintaining the greenery of the park and strive to create a high-quality residential community, providing owners with a high-quality, beautiful and comfortable green ecological living environment.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

Design and production:Winsharing
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