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Tax enterprises and party organizations jointly build a joint effort to enhance the level of party building
Release time:2017-11-28      Click:987

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Centering on the goal of "strengthening organization, increasing vitality and creating advanced", on September 20th, the party branch of pizhou local tax bureau inspection bureau and the general party branch of dongfang group held a grand party organization pairing and co-construction ceremony in the activity room of party construction of dongfang group, and sent warm activities to the poor families. Executive vice President of the group wang jibai and some party members from both parties attended the symposium.

In the party building activity room of Orient group, liu qiang, secretary of the general party branch of Orient group, and zhou hui, secretary of the party branch of the local tax inspection bureau, respectively introduced the basic situation of their branches and signed the agreement on the joint construction of the two parties. Subsequently, both sides branch party member delegate faces party flag, reviewed pledge to join the party.

After the ceremony, party representatives from both sides visited the poor families. In the process of visiting and condolence, the secretaries of both sides talked with and communicated with the recipients, regarding the visit and assistance as a "family trip" for visiting relatives and friends, which moved the recipients very much.

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