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Dongfang mingjun is determined to push forward the EAS project to ensure the successful launch of the whole system
Release time:2017-09-15      Click:937

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On July 14, Oriental group and kingdee software company held the EAS project launching conference in the conference room on the third floor of the gold coast hotel. Jianhui, general manager, middle and senior leaders of the company and project leaders of kingdee software company attended the meeting.

At the meeting, relevant personnel announced the application plan and implementation function of each module of EAS project in different stages. Jianhui general manager and kingdee project manager spoke respectively, expressed good wishes for the smooth progress of the cooperation, and hope that the person in charge can ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the successful use of EAS, and ensure the smooth operation of the whole system.

After the initial meeting, all the staff of dongfang mingjun actively responded to the call of the group leaders, earnestly cooperated with the promotion of the launch of kingdee EAS system, communicated with the site staff of kingdee company repeatedly, and reached consensus from all aspects. It is believed that through the perfect service mechanism of kingdee software and the cooperation and efforts of middle and senior leaders in mingjun, the company's EAS system will be launched on time and achieve success, truly realize the timeliness and effectiveness of data and information transmission, realize paperless and efficient office, and thus improve the company's management level.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

Design and production:Winsharing
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